Star Citizen: Area18 Cinematic Tour

“Cinematic Tours” is a video series in which I create a cinematic showcase of the amazing environments within video games. This time, I revisit Area18 on the city-planet ArcCorp.
(more…)“Cinematic Tours” is a video series in which I create a cinematic showcase of the amazing environments within video games. This time, I revisit Area18 on the city-planet ArcCorp.
(more…)ATMO esports commissioned our Arts&Crafts team once again to create an in-game video for one of their newest Star Citizen events; the Stanton Seven
My in-depth guide to the Star Citizen in-game camera system or "Advanced Camera Controls". I go into great detail on all the camera options and controls including Depth of Field (DOF), Field of View (FOV), Offsets, Zoom, and Freelook while pointing out restrictions and oddities along the way.
Learn how to carry a weapon INSIDE an armistice zone within Star Citizen Alpha 3.6. And, using the same technique, equip and shoot weapons while wearing clothes outside those zones.
This is our team’s (Arts & Crafts) entry, “Contraband Inbound”, into the Star Citizen Anvil Aerospace Commercial Contest on the website. The video had to focus on Anvil’s light fighter, had to be no longer than two minutes and use only original or official Star Citizen music, sound, and imagery. All footage in our video was recorded in-game by us at 3440×1440 (21:9). All sound effects are either directly from the game or part of the original score and sound design.