Enter my Star Citizen screenshot contest for your chance at some great digital prizes!
**UPDATE:** 2025-03-11THE CONTEST IS OVER… and here are the results
February’s screenshot contest, “Portrait“, has ended! Check out the top three prize winners and the honorable mention below along with some comments from the judges. You can also see ALL the entries further down the page.
“Intent” by MrKraken
“inner State” by MAXPER
“This is…?” by Lapernum
“Caution” by Victor
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!! I’ll be contacting them shortly. And thanks to all who participated as well as my fellow judges on this contest; DriftwoodBadger and RedSolstice.
Make sure you look through ALL the submissions below:
My previous Star Citizen screenshot contest ended in January with some amazing shots for the "Danger" theme. Congratulations again to ln_nova, RedSolstice, & LordSkippy for winning the Star Citizen prizes and to Mind for the Honorable Mention. If you want to see the results from the last contest, go here.
This month's contest will work the exact same way... except with new prizes, a new theme ("Portrait"), and a different group of guest judges (DriftwoodBadger and RedSolstice). So, check out the prizes, read through the rules, fawn over our guest judges and submit your winning shots!
RULES PRIZES GUEST JUDGESDo you have a question or are you having issues participating? Click here to CONTACT US so we can help.

One Sabre Peregrine Game Package
- Star Citizen game package and in-game vehicle
- Lifetime Insurance (LTI)
- Provided by Yannock
Theme: Portrait
Capture an in-game screenshot that creatively represents the theme… literally, figuratively, artistically, etc.
- You must be over the age of 13 and reside in a jurisdiction where the contest and your participation is legally permitted.
- Entries must be uploaded through this page's submission form by the "CONTEST ENDS" date and time above.
- A username and valid email address are required during the screenshot submission process.
- Only in-game screenshots from Star Citizen will be accepted.
- Older screenshots from previous versions of the game are allowed if they match the theme and meet the requirements.
- Screenshots from any publicly accessible Star Citizen build is allowed (LIVE, PTU, EPTU, etc) so long as sharing the image publicly does not violate any CIG NDA's. Images taken during ETF-only access can not be shared publicly.
- Entries must be your own screenshot.
- Screenshots must fit the theme of the contest, as stated in this post.
- Screenshots may be in any aspect ratio (native or cropped) BUT must have a resolution of AT LEAST 1080px height by 1080px width at 72 ppi (pixels per inch). Upscaling an image to meet the requirements IS allowed but beware of a possible degradation of quality.
- Screenshots must be in any of the following file formats: JPG, PNG.
- Each person is allowed to enter up to THREE (3) different screenshots (three separate submissions).
- Only ONE (1) screenshot from each participant is eligible to win.
- Minimal post-processing effects/edits to tweak the screenshot are allowed (levels, curves, contrast, downsampling, sharpening, DOF, cropping, rotation, color correction, black/white, etc). Working in image editors (like GIMP and Photoshop) and real-time post-processors like ReShade IS ALLOWED. Extensive edits that significantly change the image are NOT allowed; adding vehicles, removing a person, combining images, and things of that nature are NOT allowed (we play a lot, we know what the game looks like).
- AI generated additions are not allowed.
- Multiple people may help you achieve your screenshot in-game but only ONE (1) prize will awarded to the SUBMITTER for each winning entry.
- Judges for this current contest are NOT allowed to enter.
- Prize sponsors for this current contest are NOT allowed to enter.
- Prize winners from the MOST RECENT contest (December 2024) are NOT allowed to enter. Entries that receive "Honorable Mention" are NOT prize winners and are allowed to enter.
- Images that have already been used to win a prize in any prior Hasgaha Screenshot Contest may not be used again.
- By submitting an image/screenshot to this contest, you give us the right to display & share your image with credit to you, the creator, on this website (https://hasgaha.com) as well as our associated social networking accounts for the use of promoting this and future contests.
- Winners will be notified through email with the email address supplied during the entry/registration process. Winners will be announced to the public using the supplied username on this site and it's related social networks.
- Your entry may be disqualified if it is deemed to not follow these rules. While we will attempt to communicate with participants of disqualified entries, we are not obligated to do so.
- No purchase, payment or other obligation is necessary to enter or win.
- Void where prohibited.
Do you have a question about the rules? Click here to CONTACT US so we can help.
On the CONTEST ENDS date listed above, submissions will stop and our esteemed judges will start the process of meticulously looking through ALL the entries. Entries will be judged on the following:
Interpretation & execution of the THEME:
How well does your screenshot capture and/or convey the theme of the contest.
The arrangement of the elements within the photo should be pleasing to the eye. How well did you use the available space within the frame? Does the placement of the elements and position of the camera suit the idea or theme of the image?
Does your image convey the idea or theme in an original and imaginative way? Does the image hint at a deeper story or was it captured in an unconventional way?
Judging will be done privately and on an individual basis by the selected judges. This is NOT done in committee or with discussion among other judges. Judge votes are theirs alone and theirs to be given as they see fit. All votes from the judges will remain anonymous and will never be disclosed to the public. While voting, judges will only see the images and image titles. They will not see usernames attached to entries nor how many votes from other judges an entry might have.
Judging, unless otherwise specified, will occur in multiple rounds, hidden from public view. Entries with the lowest votes from the judges will NOT proceed to subsequent rounds. The number of rounds could vary for each contest based on how many entries are received.
Things to consider that won't hurt your chances, but are NOT required:
- As high a resolution image as you can take. 1920 x 1080 is the bare minimum... go higher if you can to expose more details.
- The highest image quality (as little compression) as possible. Remember, while JPGs are easy, they are a LOSSY compressed format and are a degraded form of what you saw in game. Lossless PNG is recommended.
- Submitting older screenshots from previous versions of the game IS allowed if they match the theme and meet the requirements. However, the game's graphics, textures, lighting, shadows, etc are constantly being improved and older screenshots might have a hard time competing with current screenshots.
- An image with the first person GUI (ammo count, health meter, etc) or third party overlay (Discord, FPS counter, etc) does NOT look great. Try to remember to use the robust Advanced Camera System AND hide any overlays BEFORE capturing your shot.
ESTEEMED JUDGES for this contest:
I am a backer of over 8 years who spends most of my time in Star Citizen flying random ships purposelessly around the stunning worlds of our 'verse, snapping photos of wherever I happen to end up.
When I'm not dashing myself against the rocky shores of Evocati, I'm probably planning my next misfit ship acquisition. I can't help myself… I like the weird ones. Give me your niche, your ugly, your non-meta vessels yearning to fly free, the hapless hatchlings of your teeming artists. Send these, the unbought, pledge-tossed to me, I lift my flare beside the hangar door.
You can find DriftwoodBadger at:
Founding member of the Imperial Geographic photography org in the Verse and a photographer of the verse! I have been practising photography for 10 years in real life and got into virtual photography through Star Citizen. I am always on the lookout for budding photographers and fresh ideas! To all the contestants, I wish you the best!
You can find RedSolstice at:
and me, Hasgaha
The first place prize (Peregrine) was generously donated by Yannock.
You can find Yannock at:
The other prizes for this month's contest come from a combination of items supplied by CIG and funds I've squirreled away from my incredibly generous Patreon & Ko-fi supporters. The help from both past and present supporters always surprises and amazes me. They help make things like this possible.
Current or recent supporters on Patreon & Ko-fi:
- Andrew Rall
- BallisticCowboy
- Brody Leifx Moore
- Dahrk_Mezalf
- GatoMight2
- MammonLord
- Mitchell M DeVore
- Paul Shelley
- Relay
- Whitesnake
If you want to learn more or are interested in supporting me, check out my PATREON and Ko-fi pages.
Visit me on PATREON Visit me on KO-FIIf you're interested in sponsoring a future screenshot contest of mine with funding or prize donations, please complete this CONTACT FORM (and thanks in advance!).
I want to be a SPONSORNeed help using Star Citizen's in-game camera controls?
Or do you want other screenshot tips? Check out some of my video tutorials:
Previous Screenshot Contests:
- Hasgaha’s Star Citizen Screenshot Contest: December 2024
- Hasgaha’s Star Citizen Screenshot Contest: January 2023
- Hasgaha’s Star Citizen Screenshot Contest: November 2022
- Hasgaha’s Star Citizen Screenshot Contest: September 2022
- Hasgaha’s Star Citizen Screenshot Contest: March 2022
- Prizes are non-negotiable.
- If a prize as-listed becomes unavailable, one or a combo of Star Citizen digital pledge items of comparable value will be issued at as close to the original prize value as possible.
- Winners have 14 days to claim digital prizes from the initiation of the gifting process. Unclaimed prizes will be considered forfeit and used in future contests or giveaways.
- This contest is hosted and run by me. It is not an official CIG (Cloud Imperium Games) or RSI (Roberts Space Industries) contest and is not associated with them in anyway.
- All game content and materials are copyright Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.. Star Citizen®, Squadron 42®, Roberts Space Industries®, and Cloud Imperium® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC. All rights reserved.