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With the Star Citizen subReddit growing to over 300,000 subscribers/citizens AND since the existing banner/background was getting stale (which I had also created), I was asked to create new artwork for the subReddit background/banner.

With the new Nine Tails event starting, I decided to throw in some Nine Tails action as well.
I ended up taking and combining about 25 in-game screenshots into one composition and adding additional VFX in Photoshop.

Banner version of the June 2022 Star Citizen subReddit artwork
16:9 version of the June 2022 Star Citizen subReddit artwork
Download the LARGE SCREEN Version

The main complication with creating an image for use on the subreddit is that it has to work as a thin horizontal banner AND a full size image. The OLD reddit layout and styling for the sub is still accessible and MANY people still access it. That layout uses a full size 16:9 image for the ENTIRE background of the page. While the background image is most prominent in the header as a banner, the image still extends to and is visible at the bottom of the layout. But the NEW default Reddit layout uses only a thin horizontal banner across the top. Because of this, the image/design has to be focused in a thin band across the top BUT still be interesting enough throughout the image and at the bottom.

Visit the Star Citizen subReddit to see the artwork in place:


View it on the RSI Community Hub post:


This was my previous image that had occupied the subreddit banner/background for the past year:

August 2021 Star Citizen subReddit background